Municipality of Mogadishu launches automated digital system for public transportation service and revenue collection

Municipality of Mogadishu launches automated digital system for public transportation service and revenue collection

Mogadishu | QOL | April 2, 2018 – Mogadishu Municipal authority has announced today that revenues collection from the public transport will be handled through highly secure and automated digital tools as part of financial governance reform initiative.

Hussein Mohamed Nor, the deputy Mayor in Admin and Finance introduced the importance of the new system and the implementation method to be functional. He mentioned that the new system is expected to improve the public transport revenue collection process by leveraging the latest mobile technologies to streamline the collection payment and enforcement process.

At the launch session, the Mayor of Mogadishu, Eng. Abdirahman Omar Osman underlined that his administration commits to improve the financial management and process of revenue generating and public service delivery to accomplish the vision for the city. The Mayor strongly highlighted that they apply zero tolerance for corruption and wealth misuse in the daily operations by the municipality wherby strict steps will be undertaken against any officers found guilty.

Mogadishu municipal authority seems to prioritize institutional improvements to make sure quality service delivery and financing key infrastructure and developmental projects in the city.

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