How the Somali Parliament will rebuild trust with Government, and how the Government will stop the foreign influence?

How the Somali Parliament will rebuild trust with Government, and how the Government will stop the foreign influence?

Mogadishu | QOL | April 2nd, 2018 – For the past couple of weeks there is a political crisis between the Members of the SOMALI parliament, and that causes a difficult of unrest and effected the life of the Civilians and also put on hold the functioning of the government.

The members of the parliament are accusing one another breaking the law of the parliament when it comes to do a procedure of law or away of acting to follow the rule of law.

According to the reliable sources said that “the crisis between the two groups of the members of the parliament will have no solution as expected”, because there is no trust in them to cooperate working to together for the sake of the Country.

This political crisis cause confusion and unrest to the civilians and dismantle the process of the life of the poor people and the law enforcement is getting weak, according to the continue explosions and the killing of the Government members.

The end, I would advise to the President to fulfill his mandate for the sake of our people and the Country, because as a president you are the commander of chief, so that you must use your steps of solutions according to your mandate, by law there is an urgent need to stop this political crisis. And you must give strong warning the inside enemy and the outside enemy who are trying to dismantle the law of the land.

As a head of state, I know there are many obstacles a head of you, but you must have a plan to enforce the law of the land without compromising the SOVEREIGNTY of the Country and the Dignity of our people and you must stop this political turmoil endangers the stability of our Nation.

I would URGE to the Government and the parliament to stand up to work together and defend the Sovereignty and the freedom of our NATION. And you must fight together against the foreign influence towards of our freedom.

And you must know and remember the HISTORY will tell your positive action and your negative action towards against our Sovereignty and freedom.


By Omar Farah

Xafiiska Wararka Qaranimo Online | Mogadishu




Xafiiska Wararka Qaranimo Online | Mogadishu, Somalia



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