Division Threatens Political Party Linked To Former Somali President

Division Threatens Political Party Linked To Former Somali President

Mogadishu, 14 September 2015 – A strong political party that is linked to former Somali President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed is on the verge of collapse following disagreement within the party.

Daljir party, which is gaining massive ground support since its formation one year ago, is experiencing serious divisions among the top officials.

Close sources have told Radio Dalsan that some of the senior party officials including the chairman are opposed to the former Somali President being the party’s presidential candidate in the 2016 elections.: “Some officials say they will not accept Sharif to be the flag bearer of the party and instead need a fresh politician,” sources have told Radio Dalsan.

Other groups, who back Sharif’s candidature in the next polls, also threatened to ditch the political party if their demands are not met.

Sources have also confirmed that the party has strong international support from Gulf States and Turkey who are in favor of the return of the former President.

This latest political move comes as the international community is pushing for one-man-one-vote election process next year.






Source: Radio Dalsan 



Xafiiska Wararka Qaranimo Online | Mogadishu, Somalia



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