Will the Somali Government take legal ACTION against UAE or will be silent as usual?

Will the Somali Government take legal ACTION against UAE or will be silent as usual?

Mogadishu | QOL | April 9, 2018 – Whatever goes around comes around! when UAE Cargo plane loaded with over 7.6 million us dollar landed on Sunday at the Adan Adde International Airport and the Airport Security was SEIZED, by the will of ALLAH and hopefully, the excuse of immunity will be over, and this will be a clear evidence to the world.

It’s a day of victory, it’s a day of celebration and it’s a day of History for the record of the Somali people and it’s Government; because UAE Government is trying it’s best to dismantle the life of the Somali people and want to occupied our Freedom and Land.

It’s a time to take an action against UAE Government, because of MONEY LAUNDERING AND INVESTING ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES against the Freedom and the Sovereignty of the Somali people.

The HOSTILITY of the illegal activities of the UAE Government was very clear in the past 2 years, and was using the ideology of divide and Rule, because of their interest and many of us don’t understand that.

The Somali Government must keep the money in hand and take a proper investigation against UAE and must condemn the illegal activities of money laundering and the political afflation against our Freedom.

I urge to the Somali Government to take the right legal procedures against UAE, if not to do so, sooner or later the Somali Government will pay a heavy price and I would say to the Somali Government there are so many mistakes have been done in the past, so be aware of the nest steps that will be taking against UAE Government, and there is no excuse for the Somali Government to commit another mistakes, if do so the Government will lose the Trust of the people.

The end, the Somali Government and the members of the parliament must be on the same position to defend the freedom and Sovereignty of our land and as politicians must show their SOLIDARITY to the UAE Government and rest of the world and to say openly the Hostile activities against our Freedom will not be tolerated.

Hopefully, Our Government, our politicians and the rest of the Somali people will be united to defend together our Freedom and Unity, and will send a warning sign to our inside Enemies or outside Enemies and we have to show our Unity that we are ready to defeat our Enemies and the will of Allah, the Somali people will win the BATTLE against their oppressors.

I would like to thank to our brave police Security who were seized the illegal Money that was using our distraction and to dismantle our peace and our success of freedom.



By Omar Farah, Political Analyst and Adviser


Xafiiska Wararka | Qaranimo Online | Mogadishu




Xafiiska Wararka Qaranimo Online | Mogadishu, Somalia



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