Arts talent feature: Knowledge should be asked to the Worldly Porter by means of Description


Arts Feature: Wrote by: Rev. Master Sayed Daud Abdi Daud

Date: April 27, 2018

In all conscience, knowledge’s related to the facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education in which can be considered the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject depends on the its art formula by means of understanding the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

However, God gives everybody his own typical understanding theory related to for everything surrounding the nature he/she lives in. Mostly it’s not easy to discover your talent through arts way of life cycle by double-dealing God’s gift for you and your livelihood community’s adage towards your emotional discovery things and characters from you.

From my own point of views to everybody attitude, let me to make clear that everyone has his secret rights to freedom of information and access to her modernization due to responsively ensure your education gift from God.

Obviously, from within the recent months there was misunderstanding among me and many people from all over the world and from with different religious backgrounds because of using the word “Rev.” as one of my dignitary designations. It causes me to be honest and publicly state this feature in order to make sure how everybody can come up with secret ability by improving his/her own dignitary series.

Although, Christian’s or non-islam believer’s know their own typical and dignitary usage for the word “Rev.” I decided not to remain silent while there are several people who questioning me or my other friends throughout the world due to know why I’ am using the word whereas my religion tradition is Islam.

Approachable, I’ am a professional journalist who always writes and issued many different statements, features and articles who are determining just my profession and advocates with others and places knowhow.

However, I realized that I’ am a revolutionist man though the revolutionary person is the one who either participates in, or advocates revolution. Also, when used as an adjective, the term revolutionary refers to something that has a major, sudden impact on society or on some aspect of human endeavor. As result of that the appreciation word of “Rev” in which I’ am using it as one of my designations is a word stands for revolutionist.

Habitually, such this unbelievable confusion can happen everywhere but better to be clear whatever it is and who met it should ask and his/her own research before obtaining misinterpretation.

Similarly, I usually use the word Mr. as many of you used it as a common sense way of dignitary at a time I realized that many of you also don’t know what the words are standing for so take it easy and allow me to take care of your own opinion in respect with our God’s gift for their series knowledge. The word “Mr.” stands for master according to its own sounding meaning so “Master” person is just like Chief.

Finally, everybody should also know that the word “Sayed” is just a dignitary one according to the holy Koran articles within many chapters in which is special for those permitted to reproduce the education series in a tactful manner.

Please answer the below questions and do your own research or ask your University professor/Dean;

  1. What is the real meaning of the dignitary word for Dr.?
  2. Describe the dignitary word of professor or dean?
  3. Could we say the word prophet/Messenger is also dignitary one?
  4. What is the dignitary word version of God by your own traditional language?



For more information, re-sending the questionnaires’ or interviews you can be reached Sayed Daud on +252616349997 or via email: daauud27@gmail.com

Many thanks,

Mr. Mohamed Ali Mohamed

SOMESHA, Media relations Officer

For more information please don’t hesitate to contact us;
Somali Media for Environment, Science, Health and Agriculture (SOMESHA) Taleh Coca-cola Area, Tahir Printing Press House,, Hodon district, Mogadishu-Somalia Tel: +252-1-858337 Mobile: +252616349997 Email:info@somesha.org and somesha2010@gmail.com Website:www.somesha.org and  www.somesha.wordpress.com




Xafiiska Wararka Qaranimo Online | Mogadishu, Somalia



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