Mogadishu Mayor held a public consultation round table discussion with IDPS and host communities in Warta Nabada

Mogadishu Mayor held a public consultation round table discussion with IDPS and host communities in Warta Nabada

MOGADISHU | QOL |  23 July, 2019 – Mogadishu Mayor, H.E. Eng. Abdirahman Omar Osman (Eng. Yarisow) yesterday held a public consultation and round table discussion with IDPs in Warta Nabada district.

This follows the successful round table discussion held earlier this month in Kaxda and Daynile districts where the Mayor met refugee returnees from neighboring countries, IDPs.

The discussion in Warta Nabada gave the IDPs to directly engage the Mayor with questions specifically on the role of BRA in ensuring that their rights and needs are met.

The Mayor addressed the IDPs and reiterated that his administration is working closely with the Durable Solutions Unit and will not relent until their concerns are addressed.

“My office has opened a unit that is specifically incharge of addressing the plight of IDPs amidst Mogadishu’s rapid urbanization,” said the Mayor
Mayor Yarisow told guests that everyone needs to work closely with BRA to ensure service delivery will have the intended impact for all.

“We are all Somalis. This country belongs to all of us. No one here has more rights than the other. Let’s work towards achieving brotherhood and prosperity,” Mayor Yarisow said.

The IDPs and the host community had one-on-one discussions with the Mayor and there was an obvious hunger for a sustainable and dignified life.
“This was my first time engaging a Mayor and asking him some vital questions. I hope he will address our housing challenges, water issues, and give us quality healthcare and education for our families,” Ahmed Ali, an IDP.

Mogadishu is home to approximately 600,000 IDPs which is close to overall of one third of the overall population in Somalia.

The Durable Solutions Unit under BRA is working toward improving the living conditions of IDPs and returnees in Mogadishu through establishment of governance systems, increased housing, land and property rights and social, economic and political inclusion.




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