Ministry of Posts, Telecom & Technology concludes survey on the official ministries websites

Ministry of Posts, Telecom & Technology concludes survey on the official ministries websites

fig1-domainMogadishu | 25 May 2017 – The Ministry of Posts, Telecom and Technology concluded recently a survey on official ministries websites, unveiling valuable data that will help us look into the significance of a modern government website and what role it can play to offer a window to the public in providing information, services and citizen engagement to create a culture of transparency.

The main objective of this survey – conducted in the first two weeks on May 2017 – was to get an overview on the status of the federal ministries websites as part of planned support program for improving the ministries websites both from the technical and content point of view.

fig2-designThe survey mainly looked into three areas 1) availability of (.gov.so) domains to ministries; 2) the design uploaded to the domains; and 3) and the availability of the content in the official languages: Somali and Arabic, in addition to English.

The survey revealed that of 26 ministries, only 20 ministries (about 77%) had official domains; while the rest six ministries (about 23%) that do not have domains includes a new ministry that has been created recently.

Also of the 20 ministries with official domains, only 14 (54%) have a design on it, highlighting the need for both technical and content development support for ministries.

fig3-somaliThe survey also examined into the languages the designs support. English was the most commonly used language with almost 60% of domains having an English version, while only 45% of the domains have a Somali version. Generally 35% of the designs have both Somali and English versions. No website has an Arabic version despite the fact that Arabic is the second official language of Somalia. The survey noted generally that even the active domains have little information to offer to the public about their respective ministries.

H.E. Abdi Ashur Hassan, minister for Posts, Telecoms and Technology, said that the survey will guide our plans for government websites. “We will support all public institutions to have a strong web presence as part the government’s commitment to share information and respond to the need for transparency and accountability”.

fig2-design“We started developing a website for our ministry and will gradually offer these services including social media presence and e-government solutions to other government institutions, ” concluded the Minister.






Xafiiska Wararka Qaranimo Online | Mogadishu, Somalia



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