Agreement between Somaliland and Khatumo

Agreement between Somaliland and Khatumo


A delegation from Khatumo visited Somaliland from 2 – 16 June and held meetings with leaders from Somaliland; the meetings took place in a conducive environment and in friendly spirit.


The objective was to reach an agreement over the conclusion of a series of meetings held in Addis Ababa and Djibouti and bring those into fruition.

Priorities Jointly Identified

1. Unity of purpose (Solidarity)

2. Common ownership

3. Living in peace together

4. Shared development

5. Jointly face our common enemy

It is Agreed:

1. Somaliland and Khatumo strive (together) to reach full understanding and agreement;

2. Plan and work together to achieve jointly a Somaliland that is based on justice, good governance and protection of human rights – based on the (tenets of) the religion of Islam – in which all its citizens are equal (stakeholders) and no one is the guest of (or less than) the other.

3. The Constitution of Somaliland shall be amended in order to ensure that a fair power sharing – based on Justice regarding the Executive, Legislative, Judiciary and other Government institutions – is achieved.

4. The administration shall be devolved at regional, district and town levels and the powers at each level be described (Decentralization)

5. A follow-up meeting shall be held on July 10th in the city of Burao in order to conclude the remaining issues; the organization and preparations for this meeting shall be carried on through joint consultations.



Chairman of the Negotiation Committee of Somaliland

Name: Dr. Saad Ali Shire

Chairman of Khatumo Delegation:

Name: Mohammoud Sheikh Omar Hassan




Xafiiska Wararka Qaranimo Online | Mogadishu, Somalia



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