
December 28/2015 – Every Nation has the highest power to protect its sovereignty and Every Nation has the right to live in peace and prosperity, but when it comes to Somalia don’t have the rights to protect its sovereignty and the freedom to form its Unity, because of the foreign influence that have many unknown interest for Somalia.

According to many countries’ activities or their interest towards Somalia is divide and rule with the help of few Traitors and that is the reason made paralyze the whole Nation and also brings that to a condition of helpless to the Nation and endless Civil war and poverty.

When you listen the comments and the opinions of the people, they have different ideas and huge disagreements for the best way to form the Unity and also the Scholars have the same disagreements too, but the reality is where to find the right solution for the sake of the Unity!!.

The life of the people is getting harsh and helpless day after day and the people are questioning where is lie the future of the whole Nation and how long it will take to have a normal life with peace and prosperity and also the tools of the basic life’s are not on the ground, even though some says “there is little progress that called one step forward”, but said there will be obstacles on the way for the Unity.

Many Nations wanted to keep Somalia in the same situation like divide and rule, because of their own interest and don’t care about the future of the Nation and every hour was past the future is in limbo and the Civilians have the right to blame the weakness of our leaders and also they will be responsible for the failure to guide the Nation to the right direction, whatever the reasons are, our leaders must know what is right and wrong, even though the situation was in chaos and confusion for a long time.

My conclusion, the Unity of our Nation is unquestionable who ever likes or not, but the question is, the right Hero’s have the talent to determine the Unity of our Nation are alive today, or will born from now?, everyone of us we must offer the share we owe for the Nation, since we have the equal rights as a citizen of the Land and we must have the patient and respect to listen to each other when it comes the discussion of our unity no matter your age, gender, education, where you live and the position you hold, its everyone’s responsibility to strive and straggle to form the Unity for every cause, hope with the help of Allah in the coming years will return the Unity and the Dignity of our Nation than expected and I would like to say hope for the best to everyone of us, despite the hopeless situation and the economical crises that we are facing, at same time our country is so rich but many of us are not serious to invest.

Many of us show feeling of sadness and say “Nobody knows how long it will take to get back the Unity”, therefore we must know one thing, the moment we move few steps to the right direction, is the time we closer to the unity and every one of us will be responsible for its own action towards the unity and sooner or later anyone who helps the oppressor will be accountable for his/her deliberate mislead for the sake of our Unity.

The end, will see the differences between the 2015/2016, the great hero of Africa, Nelson Mandela said “the inside Enemy is worst than outside Enemy”, God bless for Somalia.


Omar Farah, Mogadishu Somalia




Xafiiska Wararka Qaranimo Online | Mogadishu, Somalia



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